About Black Fungus-A special report of Covid.
India is currently ranked 2nd in the world in cases of COVID 19, while the second wave has entered the country, while a record number of corona infections were reported to have spread in April. While the wave is on the rise, a new virus has emerged in the foreground, which we call Black Fungus.
Surprisingly, you may be infected with Black Fungus and cough at the same time, especially for people who are in intensive care in an ICU or who have diabetes.
Symptoms of fungal infections with corona heart disease
In most cases, the infection occurs after a corona infection l There are many cases of Black Fungus in India l Pay attention to these symptoms -
Symptoms include fever, chills, runny nose, headaches, and difficulty breathing.
So it's our duty to make social distancing properly.
We have to be strong and never panic or believe in rumors about Covid19.
About Black Fungus-A special report of Covid.
Author-Deepak Kumar Hota
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I was very worried about Black fungus. As per reports, the number of people dying from black fungus is steadily increasing. While searching about it online I came across this video of SimpliHealth Expert Dr. Abrol ent Surgeon is calling it a 'pandemic within COVID-19 pandemic'. From causes to treatment, here is all you need to know about black fungus infection.It was very helpful.