Gyan Hi Gyan General Knowledge Part-2
1. Q: Which country has only 40 minutes of night?
Answer - Norway is also called the Country of Midnight because it is a country with only 40 minutes of night!
2.Q: Which country in the world has no farming?
Answer - Singapore is the only country in the world where there is not a single field!
3.Q: Why is it floating in the water even though the ice is very hard?
Answer - The reason for floating in ice water is its density!
4. Q: What are the things that burn in water?
Answer - "Sodium" is something that burns in water too!
5. Q: - Who developed COVID19 2-DG?
Answer - Anti-COVID-19 drugs have been developed jointly by Atomic Medicine and Allied Sciences (INMAS), DRDO and Dr Reddy's Laboratory (DRL) in Hyderabad.
6. Q: Which US president has been chosen as Facebook?
Answer - Donald Trump!
7. Q: When is World Red Cross Day celebrated?
Answer - World Red Cross Day 2021 is celebrated on May 8!
8. Question - What is Currency chest?
Answer - A currency chest is a depositor of the Reserve Bank of India with all the additional funds used for banks and ATMs!
9. Q: What is petrol in Hindi?
Answer - Polar gold!
10. Q: Which country shares the longest border with India?
Answer - Bangladesh shares the longest border with India, which is 4096 km!
Author-Deepak Kumar Hota
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