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Countries and their Parliaments Names and details for General Knowledge Part-6

Countries and their Parliaments Names and details for General Knowledge Part-6

Countries and their Parliaments Names and details for General Knowledge Part-6

Welcome to our 6th part of series ‘Countries and their Parliaments Names and details for General Knowledge’. We already finished 100 Countries and their Parliament name and details in first 5 parts. It is the 6th part of our series.


Find the countries Parliament name and about it in below: - (Part-6)



101- Micronesia - Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia

The Parliament of Micronesia is called as Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia. The Congress of Micronesia is a unicameral legislature body of the Micronesia. The Parliament of Micronesia is situated at Palikir, the capital city of the Federated States ofMicronesia located in the western Pacific Ocean.

The Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia has 14 non-partisan members called as Senators. But there is some laws in the Parliament of Micronesia to elect Senators. The mode of vote for senators is First-past-the-post or by voting by People.  Ten members elected for a two-year term in ten single-seat constituencies and four members elected for a four-year term, one from each state at-large.


102- Moldova – Parliament of the Republic of Moldova

The Parliament of Moldova is known as Supreme representative body of the Republic ofMoldova. It is the only State legislative authority and a unicameral body of the republic of Moldova. The Parliament of Moldova is situated at Chisinau also known as Kishinev, the capital and the largest city of the Republic of Moldova.

The Parliament of Moldova is composed of 101 elected deputies on lists, for a period of 4 years. Parliament is elected by universalvote as equal directly and freely expressed. The President of the Parliament of Moldova is elected by the Parliament. The President of Moldova needs a minimum of 52 votes to elect.


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103- Monaco – National council

The Parliament of Monaco is called as National Council of Principality of Monaco. The Parliament of Monaco is a unicameral legislature of Principality of Monaco. The NationalCouncil is situated at Monaco City, the south-central ward of the Principality of Monaco.

National Council is composed of twenty-four members, who are elected from lists by universal suffrage. Councillors serve for five-year terms, and though it may act independently of the Prince, he may dissolve it at any time, provided that new elections be held within three months.



104- Mongolia -State Great Khural

The Parliament of Mongolia is called as The State Great Khural, also State Great Hural, and IkhKhura. It means States Great assembly. It is a unicameral body of the legislature of the Mongolia. The State Great Khurul is situated at Government Palace,Khoroo District, Ulaanbaatarand State of Mongolia.

The State Great Khural is consists of 76 members. With 57 of total members of the StateGreat Khural, the parliament shall be considered in existence of its powers. A member of the State Great Hural shall be an envoy of the people and shall represent and the interests of all the citizens. The mandate of a member of the State Great Khural shall begin with an oath taken before the State Emblem and expire when newly electoral members of the State Great Khuralare win.



105- Montenegro – The Parliament of Montenegro

The Parliament of Montenegro is the Supreme legislature of the Montenegro. It is a unicameral body of the Montenegro. The Parliament of Montenegro is situated at Podgorica, the capital and largest city of Montenegro.

 The Parliament currently has 81 members. Each of the members are being elected for a 4-year term. After the 2006 independence referendum, Montenegro declared and ratified the independence on 3rd June 2006. Members of the Parliament of Montenegro are elected using proportional representation.


106- Morocco - The Parliament of Morocco

The Parliament of Morocco is a bicameral legislature of the Morocco. Parliament of the Morocco is situated at Rabat, the capital and the 7th largest city of the Kingdom of Morocco.

Since 1996, the national legislature has become bicameral and has therefore two parliamentary chambers, the House of Representatives and the House of Councillor’s.

 The House of Representative (Lower House) consists of 395 members elected directly for 5 year of term.

The House of Councillor’sconsists of 120 members are elected indirectly for a six-year term by two sets of electoral colleges.



107- Mozambique – Assembly of the Republic Mozambique

The Parliament of the Mozambique is known as Assembly of the Republic Mozambique. Assembly of Republic is a unicameral legislative body of the Mozambique established in 1977. The Parliament of Mozambique is situated at Maputo, officially named Lourenço Marques until 1976, is the capital and most populous city of Mozambique

The parliament of Mozambique has composed of250 members.  The members of the Mozambique parliament are directly elected through a system of party-list proportionalrepresentation. The tenure of members are offive-year terms. Parties must receive at least five percent of the vote nationally to gain parliamentary representation. Parliamentary debates and business are conducted entirely inPortuguese. Three parties are represented in the parliament: FRELIMORENAMO and the Democratic Movement of Mozambique



108- Myanmar (Burma) - PyidaungsuHluttaw 

The Parliament of Myanmar is known as PyidaungsuHluttaw or Assembly of the union. PyidaungsuHluttaw is a national level bicameral legislature body of the Myanmar. The PyidaungsuHluttaw is housed in a 31-building parliamentary complex located in Naypyidaw, the capital and 3rd largest city of Myanmar. PyidaungsuHluttaw is believe to represent the 31 planes of existence in Buddhist cosmology.

PyidaungsuHluttaw is consists of 2 Houses, the AmyothaHluttaw (House of Nationalities) known as Upper house and  PyithuHluttaw (House of Representatives) known as lower house.

The AmyothaHluttaw is the upper house of the PyidaungsuHluttaw, with of the 224 seats in the house and the The PyithuHluttaw is the lower house of thePyidaungsuHluttaw, with of the 440 seats in this body.



109- Namibia – The Parliament of Namibia

The Parliament of Namibia is the lawmaker body of Namibia legislature. The Parliament of the Namibia is a bicameral legislature. The Parliament of Namibia is situated at Tintenpalast in Windhoek, the capital and the largest city of Namibia.

The Parliament of Namibia consists of 2 chamber the National Council (Upper Chamber) and the National assembly (Lower Chamber).

There are 42 representatives of the Regional Councils in The National Council; every Regional Council in the 14 regions of Namibia elects 3 representatives.

 The National Assembly initiates and approves laws. The National assembly consists of 104 members in which 96 are elected by parliamentary election and 8 member of the National Assembly are appointed by the president of Namibia.



110- Nauru – The Parliament of Nauru

The Parliament of Nauru is established with the country's independence on 31 January 1968. The Parliament of Nauru is a unicameral legislature body of Republic of Nauru. The Parliament Building of Nauru is situated at Yaren, most famous district of the Nauru.

The Parliament of Nauru consists of 19 members. The members of Parliaments elected for a 3 year term in multi-seat constituencies. The Member of Parliament elected The President of Nauru. In 2013 elections the number of seats was increased to 19. Positional Voting System is the procedure of election in Nauru Parliament. The Speaker is an MP elected by the MPs is the presiding officer of Parliament.



111- Nepal - Federal Parliament of Nepal (SanghiyaSansada Nepal)

The parliament of Nepal is called as the Federal Parliament of Nepal or in local language SanghiyaSansada Nepal. The Federal Parliament of Nepal is a bicameral and supreme legislative body of the Nepal. The parliament of Nepal is situated at Kathmandu, the capital and the largest city of Nepal also known as Temple city.

By Constitution of Nepal 2015, Nepal has consists of 2 chamber Parliament, the House of Representatives andthe National Assembly. The President of Nepal is appointed as their head.

The House of Representatives has 275 members, with165 members are elected from single-member constituencies by first-past-the-post voting and 110 elected through proportional electoral system. The tenure of the Member of the House are for 5 years.

The National Assembly has composed with 59 members in which 8 members are elected from each of the 7 provinces by an electoral college of every province, and 3 are appointed by the President after recommendation by the government. The member of Nationalassembly elected for 6 years.



112- Netherlands - The States General of the Netherlands

The parliament of Netherlands is known as The States General of Netherlands. The Parliament of Netherlands is a bicameral legislative body of Netherlands. The Parliament of Netherlands situated at the Binnenhof in The Hague, a famous city and municipality of Netherlands.

 The Parliament of the Netherlands is the bicameral legislature of the Netherlands consisting of the Senate and the House of Representatives.

The Senate is the upper house of The States General consists of 75 members. The members of Senate are elected on lists by the members of the 12 States-Provincial and 3 Caribbean electoral colleges for a 4 years of term.

The House of Representatives is the lower house of the State General consists of 150 seats.

The election procedure of the house of Representative using a party-list proportional representation.


New Zealand

113- New Zealand – Parliament of New Zealand

The Parliament of New Zealand is the supreme unicameral legislative body of the Island nation New Zealand. The Parliament of New Zealand is situated at Wellington, the famous and the capital city of New Zealand.

The unicameral legislature of New Zealand, consisting of the Queen of New Zealand and the New Zealand House of Representatives.

The Queen of New Zealand is usually represented by her governor-general in the Parliament.

The House of Representatives normally consists of 120 members of Parliament (MPs), though sometimes more due to overhang seats. There are 72 MPs elected directly in electorates while the remainder of seats are assigned to list MPs based on each party's share of the total party vote. The tenure of the MPs are 3 years.



114- Nicaragua – National Assembly

The Parliament of Nicaragua is known as the National Assembly. The Parliament of Nicaragua is the unicameral legislative branch of the Republic of Nicaragua. The National Assembly of the Nicaragua is situated at Managua, the capital and the largest city of Nicaragua.

The Parliament of Nicaragua consists of 2 chambers. The Nicaraguan legislature is a unicameral body made up of 92 deputies, 90 of whom are elected by popular vote on a proportional representation basis from party lists: 20 nationally, and 70 representing the country's departments and autonomous regions. The President of the Republic who served the immediately previous presidential term is entitled to sit in the Assembly as a deputy, as is the runner-up in the most recent presidential election. Both the President and the National Assembly serve for 5-yearterms.



115- Niger – National Assembly

The Parliament of Niger is known as the National Assembly. The Parliament of Niger is the unicameral legislative branch of the Republic of Niger. The National Assembly of the Niger is situated at Niamey, the capital and the largest city of Niger.

The National Assemblyhas composed of 171 members. The members of National Assembly elected for a5-year term. The multi-seat constituency members are elected using a party-list proportional representation system. The remaining 8 seats are single constituency, elected by a first-past-the-post system.



116- Nigeria –National Assembly

The Parliament of Nigeria is known as National Assembly. The Parliament of Nigeria is a bicameral legislature the National Assembly of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. National Assembly of Nigeria is situated at Abuja, the capital and largest city of Nigeria.

National Assembly of Nigeria is composed with 2chambers, the Senate and the House of representatives. The Senate consists of 109 members and the House of Representative is consists with 360 members. The National Assembly is modelled after the federal Congress of the United States.



117- Niue – Niue Parliament

The Parliament of Niue is a unicameral legislature body of the Government of Niue. The Parliament of Niue is situated at Alofi, the capital and the most famous city of the Niue. The Parliament of Niue consists of 20 members; 14 representatives of the villages and 6 elected on a common roll. Members of the Niue Parliament are elected by universal suffrage, and serve a 3 year term. National assembly of Niue follows the Westminster Process of government, with the elected by the Assembly and the Cabinet drawn from it.


North Macedonia

118- North Macedonia - Assembly ofNorth Macedonia

The Parliament of North Macedonia is known as Assembly of North Macedonia. The Parliament of North Macedonia is a unicameral legislature of the country. The Assembly of North Macedonia is situated at Skopje, the capital and the largest city of North Macedonia.

The Assembly have between 120 and 140 MPs (currently 120), elected by proportional representation from 6 electoral districts, each contributing 20MPs, and there are also 3 reserved seats elected from the Macedoniandiaspora which are awarded only if the voter turnout was sufficient.



119- Norway – Storting

The Parliament of Norway is known as Storting. Storting is the supreme legislative body of the Kingdom of Norway. The Parliament of Norway is situated at Oslo, the capital and most populous city of the Norway.

The unicameral parliamentStorting has consists of169 members. The member of Storting elected every 4 years based on party-list proportional representation in 19 multi-seat constituencies. A member of Stortinget is known in Norwegian as literally "Stortingrepresentative".


120- Oman – Council of Oman

The Parliament of Oman is known as Council of Oman. The Council of Oman is a bicameral parliament and it consists of theState Council and the Consultation Council. The Parliament of Oman is situated at Muscat, the capital and most populous city of the Oman.

 The Council meets at the request of the Sultan of Oman to study and discuss matters raised by him. All the decision of the Council passed on the basis of a majority vote. The Sultan addresses all the members of this council on an annual basis. There are 15 women members among the 167 members of the parliament.

Micronesia,  Moldova,  Monaco,  Mongolia,  Montenegro,  Morocco,  Mozambique,  Myanmar,

Namibia,  Nauru,  Nepal,  Netherlands,  New Zealand,  Nicaragua,  Niger,  Nigeria,  Niue,  

North Macedonia,  Norway,  Oman, 

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